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Performance Evaluation Process
Sorwe avatar
Written by Sorwe
Updated over 3 months ago

Performance Evaluation Process

Once the performance process is assigned to the employee, you can make adjustments regarding the performance evaluation and score.

Here, you can select Performance Evaluation Periods. For example, there will be 3 quarters in a 4-month performance period.

When you select all performance periods here, employee goals are sent to the manager for evaluation after each period.

For instance let's say that Q1 and Q2 have ended. Employee will see this notification below:

(Even if the employee's goal is to end at the end of the Q3 period, he or she need to send it for the manager's evaluation because you chose the Q1, Q2 and Q3 options in the performance evaluation process.)

When the employee sends the goal to her manager for evaluation, a notification is sent to his/her manager and s/he can evaluate it within the scope of my team's goals. (See manager screen below)

After clicking on the Performance Review, you can approve or reject it by typing your evaluation.

(There is no score in mid-term evaluations. In these evaluations, managers only write their reviews about the goal. A score is only generated when the performance period is completely finished.)

Now let's look at what the evaluation process is like at the end of the performance period.

When the performance process is completed, a button to send for manager approval will appear, as in the interim periods.

You can write your own reviews and send them to your manager.

Now we go to the employee's manager's account.

In the pending approvals section, there are the goals of the employee we have just sent for manager approval.

In this screen, unlike the interim periods, a value is selected from the evaluation scale in addition to the manager's review.

Note that: Since the goal named "Improving Company's Feedback Culture" is a project goal, the manager can give points for it.

But the "Help Our People Learn" target is a numerical goal. The system automatically scores based on the actualization status.

You can follow the steps below to make changes to the evaluation scale and formula.

The evaluated employee will appear on the manager screen as follows:

The employee screen also looks like the following:

When the performance process is completed, the employees' scores become clear. Below, you can see how the employee views his score on his own screen.

Admins can view the performance scores of all employees via the Connect panel. For this, you can click on Reports > Performance Score Report.

You can view scores as organizational chart or as list. You can also export scores to Excel.

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