To view performance reports, go to Talent & Performance > Performance section in Sorwe Connect.
Click on the performance template you have published here, then click on the Reports button.
In the Reports section, you can access five different areas:
Company Goals Report
Goal Entry Report
Goal Progress Report
Mid Year Evaluation Report
Performance Score Report
Now, let's review each one separately!
In the Company Goals Report, you can view the main goals of the company, where you initiated performance, and the progress made towards these goals.
Additionally, you can see the number of goals created based on this main goal and the number of people who have set their own goals based on these objectives.
By clicking on the "Click here for Goal Distribution Report" area under each main goal, you can explore the goals created based on this goal and who they belong to.
In the Goal Entry Report, you will see two different tabs: Employee Goals and Organization Chart.
In the Organization Chart view, you can access information about employees in the performance section and whether they have entered goals. A green marker next to an employee indicates that they have entered a goal, while a red marker means they have not yet entered a goal.
For instance, in the chart below, all employees are assigned to Ian McAdams. There are three employees linked to Justin Blackwood (Grace, Ege, and Jade). Since Justin is the only one who has entered goals, along with his three subordinates, the completion rate appears as 25% (1 out of 4).
When you click on the Employee Goals tab, you can view the employees' status of starting performance, the total number of goals entered, as well as the number of goals awaiting approval and those that have been rejected.
When you click on the Number of Goals column, you can view the employee's goals and their respective weights. Additionally, by clicking the lock icon next to the goal of an employee with an established score, you can unlock it for revision.
When you click on the number in the Number of Goals Pending Approval column, you can view the employee's goal and its weight. Additionally, the employee awaiting approval will be displayed. You can change the approver if necessary.
In this section, you can also download the Excel file of the goal entry report from the top right corner.
When you first access the Goal Progress Report, the progress status of employees will be displayed in an organizational chart format. By clicking on an employee, you can view their goals and the detailed progress based on those goals.
When you click on the List View button in the top right, you can view the same chart in a list format. By clicking on the completion percentage, you can review the employee's goals and actions.
By clicking on the Excel button in the top right, you can export the Goal Progress Report.
The performance period may consist of multiple periods, and your company may have set up performance evaluations to be conducted at the end of each period. No scores are generated during the mid-term evaluation. Employees and their managers share evaluation comments related to the period.
In this section, you can click on an employee to view their mid-term evaluation notes.
You can export the Mid-Term Evaluation Report by using the Export to Excel button in the top right.
When you click on the Performance Score Report, you can first view the current scores in an organizational chart format. By clicking on an employee, you can examine in detail how many points they received for each of their goals.
When you click on the List View button in the top right, you can view this chart in a list format.
By clicking on a score field of an employee, you can see the details of where the score was derived from. Scores can be obtained from different areas, such as performance, competency assessments, or 360-degree feedback.
When you click on the "Reset Evaluation" button under the score, the employee’s evaluation is reset, allowing the manager to reassess it.
By clicking on the goal score field, you can view how many points the employee received for each of their goals.
You can export the Performance Score Report by using the Export to Excel button in the top right.