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How to Create 360° Evaluation Templates
How to Create 360° Evaluation Templates
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Written by Sorwe
Updated over a year ago

How to Create 360° Evaluation Templates?

  • To begin making a 360 template, you need to access the Sorwe Connect panel and select Feedback and then 360°. After this, you can begin the process by pressing the "Create New Template" button.

  • Then click on the "Create New Template" button.

You can check out the relevant article here to see how you can upload your own competency & question sets to the system.

Step 1 – Template Content

  • This step consists of areas such as template name, description and preliminary information text.

    If you want to create multiple 360° templates, you can distinguish them through the template name and the description area. For instance;
    Template Name: Specialist - 360° Evaluation
    Description: 360° template for senior specialists.

  • Preliminary Information (before you start) is the text area that the employees will read before starting the survey and that we want it to be descriptive to the employees during the 360° evaluation. In this area, you can make the arrangements you want based on the default text.

Step 2 – Competence/ Behaviour Sets

  • Competencies in 3 main headings and the number of questions measuring each of them are seen together. When you click on the sub-competencies, a window opens with the questions in them. You can add/remove any of these appearing questions.

  • As you determine the competencies and questions, the total number of questions will be seen at the top.

  • You can also view the open-ended text questions and the answer options below.

It is recommended that the number of questions selected should be 3 at minimum for each competence, and the number of questions selected should not exceed 40 in total.

Step 3 – Reviewer Group

  • Through this step, you can edit the names of the groups to be evaluated in the report and the minimum number of evaluators you want to see during the distribution.

  • There is no need to make any adjustments for the Reviewer Group that you will not use. For instance, if the External Customer group is not to be used, it is not necessary to edit the Report Tag and the Min. Employee Count fields.

Step 4 – Report Distribution

  • In this section, it is possible to set up “Report Distribution”, “Report Schedule”, “Report Format” and "Score Calculation" areas.

  • In the Report Distribution option, after the evaluation is completed, the selection of the group should be made to whom you want the report to be sent by e-mail. All options in this field should be removed if it is not desired to be sent as e-mail.

    (Admins will be able to access the reports from the admin panel at any time.)

  • If you want everyone's reports to be generated at the same time, you need to select the Manuel option in the Report Schedule field. If you want reports of employees whose evaluation is completed to be generated immediately, you can select the Automatic option.

  • You can select the report type you want to use from the Report Format field. You can select only 1 report in this field and your reports will be generated according to the format you choose.

Click to see the reports that will be generated after the 360° evaluation: Sample report - Spider Web / Sample report - Bubble

In the Report Distribution Option, if desired, the HR Partner Group which the reports will be sent to can be created. In order to select the HR Partner field, an HR Partner group need to be created within the admin panel and the created group must be selected here. Creating a New Employee Group

  • In the Score Calculation field, you can specify how to calculate Overall Average score. The Overall Average score (all reviews except himself/herself) will be calculated using the weighted average of all reviewer group scores (manager, peer, etc.). You can define a different score percentage for any reviewer group.

    This field is not necessary if you do not want to set a weight.

In short, Score Calculation work as follows in calculating the overall score:

If no special weight is entered for any evaluation group, the weighted average of all evaluation groups is taken.

(In any case, one's own score does not affect the overall score.)

If 40% was entered only for the manager; 60% of other evaluation groups are taken. If there is no evaluation group other than the manager, overall score = manager score.

If a special weight has been entered for more than one group; The weight of groups without evaluators is also added to these groups.

For example;

Manager → 40%

Peers → 35

Subordinate → 25%

If the employee does not have an evaluator in the subordinate group, the weight of that group is distributed to the manager and peers group.

Manager will be → 40% + ( 25 / 75 * 40 ) = 53.33%

Peers will be → 35% + ( 25 / 75 * 35 ) = 46.66%.

  • By pressing the "Save" button, the template will be saved and listed in the template list.

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